About my Craft
By describing myself as a “practitioner", I signify both my secular beliefs — that nature itself is holy, thus the planet we live on and the bodies we live in are all sacred — and my humanistic role as a complex person who works with energetic properties. I strive to be myself and stay honest. I do and say what is felt to be right and speak my mind, behaviour that is sometimes met with judgment or disdain.
When referring to my craft, I'm actually speaking to my intuitive practice involving an affinity with nature and strengthening the aspects of my own human nature within my secular traditions.
As I get older, my craft becomes less about trying to cause specific outcomes and more about focusing on helping to become more purposeful and compassionate in life. While I still do rituals of the more traditional sort, my magick has become something which I carry with me in all areas of my life.
Always learning along my path and relying on my intuition, I personally scrye and work with runes, tarot, pendulums, palmistry and tasseography. With many tools, crystals and herbs to aid me in various workings, I also make my own infusions, potions, salves, candles, and oracles. I became a Gesith dedicating myself to a Seax Wiccan tradition in 2016, completed initiation in 2019 and became the founder of The Sacred Meadow Circle in 2022. Also, I have been accepted as an active member of Humanist Canada since 2023.
Devoted to working with all kinds of energies, and finding balance, I am known as a grey witch. This means that I work within most spectrums of positive/negative to find balance. This is what I believe allows me to deliver the important messages needing to be received objectively, without my own thoughts and feelings interfering. My readings have helped others to heal and guide themselves forward on their own unique paths in life.
Other intuitives have referred to me as a light worker as I am so often drawn to helping others. I offer guidance based on intuitive readings to those who feel they may benefit from another perspective. Random strangers at times unexpectedly sought me out to tell me about their problems or ask me for advice in public places such as in a store or at a bus stop, etc. Quite often I find myself offering guidance, answering questions, providing information and giving advice to other practitioners of energy work and what's sometimes referred to or described as "magickal" workings.