Stafford Tarot
Intuitive Reading Envelopes

Distant Intuitive Reading
1 card from 1 deck
Enclosed in each small envelope, you will find personal intuitive reading message just for you that is based on the oracle card included. Also added are details about the deck that the card originated from, as well as an information sheet about myself, and about Stafford Tarot.
$5 ea.
Distant Intuitive Reading
3 cards from 3 decks
Enclosed in each large envelope, you will find personal intuitive reading messages just for you that are based on the three tarot and oracle cards included. Also added are details about each of the decks that the cards originated from, as well as an information sheet about myself, and about Stafford Tarot.
$15 ea.

...also sold at markets and festivals where Stafford Tarot is attending.
Please check back soon as more Stafford Tarot products are to come!!!
Questions are always welcome at or the contact page
Submit your order today:
About Payment:
Payments are arranged after orders are processed and can be sent by an automatic electronic fund transfer via email to "".
Also, payment can be sent with PayPal or a credit card by clicking the "Make an Online Payment" button below: Please note that I process as a donation to avoid having to charge you an extra online payment processing fee. When paying with a credit card, please include your email address in the contact information so to receive confirmation.