This blog on my website is also connected to an app option for members powered by Spaces by Wix. It can be downloaded at:
The app provides a convenient way for members to access the information in a smart phone. There is a variety of topics, shadow work exercises, tarot reading tips, beginner lessons to learn tarot for free, etc. All in one place without having to load a web browser, visit the website and search for the relevant blog entry. The app organizes the blogs into the categories and topics for easier finding and access for your convenience.
From the app, visitors can also see latest announcements regarding to Stafford Tarot services, important and shared information, view the blog entries, or watch the online Tarot Talk live event recordings or free lessons made available thanks to Lindsay Knight from the 9th Vibration ( and more!
It also provides a place of contact within a community style forum for members to reach out to each other, chat, ask questions, and learn together. All that I ask is that we all please be respectful when commenting on blog entries and posts.
All the information in the app is also available on my website ( for non members to view. The point of my website, the app and my blog is in respect to the sharing of information from my personal perspective and is not intended to stir or change the view of others with their own practices or traditions.
Thank you for checking out my blog and reading about the Stafford Tarot app. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at
To download the app: click: Join “Stafford Tarot” on Spaces
