In trying to figure out a way to offer free readings and not become overwhelmed by the number free reading requests, I decided to start an occasional draw. Each month names of those interested are collected and cut into strips of paper (one per name) which the winner's name is literally drawn from a black hat.
To enter the draw simply "like" or respond to the message posts on social media, contact me from the website, or send email to Basically, anyone who requests a free reading from me will be automatically included in the next draw for the chance to win. Once the draw has been held the winner will be contacted by myself to arrange online meeting details the following day.
Draws are currently once a month. But, generally will happen on a Monday, and the free tarot reading will happen a following day (Tuesday) in the evening at one of the available schedule 30 min timeslots to be determined. Usually between 6-8 PM. If you are a winner of the draw and are not available on Tuesday evenings, that's ok. Still reply and we can arrange another date and timeslot that works for you.
Since readings from me are treated as confidential, I can not disclose the name of the winners of the draw. However, if you showed interest, please keep watch for either a direct message or email from me declaring you the winner and to make arrangements to receive your 30 minute free reading.
G O O D L U C K !