Honestly, to save time and effort, this website was created completely on my smart phone. Because of this, not only does it actually displays much better looking on a mobile device then it does in a laptop or desktop computer in my opinion. But, also all the blogs and information were created with a small on-screen keyboard. It does however serves its purpose. Given this, there may unfortunately be a word or two that have been autocorrected inaccurately while creating the content that I may not have noticed while writing it. Recently, I've been working to filter through all of the pages and entries of this website and both of my blogs to find and correct any of these typos that have gone unnoticed.
This is the case for this webpage, and also, for my StaffordTarot.com blog as well. I thank you for your patience while I do this.
Please feel free to contact me and let me know if they're are any spelling typos that you may find within the content or let me know where corrections may be needed. I'm totally open to constructive feedback, suggestions and advice. Be up front -- I can take it!
I can be contacted at www.askagreywitch.com or please send email to greywitchbryan@gmail.com
Or at
www.staffordtarot.com/contact or please send email to bryantarotreading@gmail.com
Keep in mind that all of the information on my website and in my blog are written from my own personal perspective and not intended to change our influence others' traditions of practices.
It is in hopes that this entry finds you well.