AskaGreyWitch is slowly becoming more popular! And, with that is helping more and more witches to setup a unique and personalized magickal practice of witchery for themselves! I'm extremely excited and proud that AskaGreyWitch has become helpful to so many others, and will continue to help to break common misconceptions and misunderstandings that still exist about witches and Witchcraft today.
The most viewed blog entry has received over 500 views!!! ...and climbing!!!
Catholic Witches:

This blog entry answers submitted question,
"Since my family are Christians, should I myself not be doing witchcraft?" In which i talk about my own experience learning as a witch from my mother's Christian ways.
Some of the other most viewed blog topics from AskaGreyWitch are:
Protecting yourself further:
Meeting money from spellwork:
Shadow work expanded in further:
Open practices VS closed practices:
Opening and closing a circle:
Self made tools in my craft:
Personal alter examples:
Where to start:
Petition to remove/banish:
Winter solstice and Yule:
Book recommendations:
...and, many more!!!
Check out the full blog at: www.askagreywitch.com/blog
Thank you for visiting, reading this entry, and checking out my magickal blog, AskaGreyWitch. Submitted questions are always welcome and very much appriciated.
Many blessings! ✨