This Dark Quiet Moon sits in Aquarius illuminating emotions and relationships. Some will be becoming more clear about how they feel if not already realised. Take care and pay some attention to yourself. Make yourself look good. But, not trying too hard to do so. Go with how you are feeling rather than what you are thinking. There may be potential to overthink things a bit. For some of you there's a partnership, engagement or wedding in the cards, for others a legal matter will be leaning in your direction. A balance is coming back to centre in one way or another. There is a freedom to explore, a feeling of being released amongst the wild to be free. Follow your intuition. Be brave in your choices. Don't be timid nor hold back. Nothing ventured is nothing gained. Dive deep and find what needs to be discovered from within. Bring your inner self to the surface and it'll be like walking on top of the world. A new romantic cycle begins.

Dark Quiet Moon Oracle card pull for Wednesday January 29th, 2025