This Dark Ninth Moon sits in Gemini marks the beginning of a new cycle. There is an energy continuing from the last few weeks. This approach is bringing you closer to what you dream to achieve. You are working your way up to something bigger, even though you may have started small. Don't give up! Getting clearer on what you most value will be beneficial to your goals. No matter how busy you feel, be sure to take some time to pamper yourself still as it's important. Perhaps walk amongst nature, do yoga, or get a massage, etc. find what grounds you. create some stability. Understanding your needs and self value will help you to be more aware of what you are attracted to most. Go your own way, do you! Don't go with the flow and start running with the herd. Is it your intention to attract what you see coming to you? Don't let it bother you that it feels as though there is always some form of negativity up against your ambitions. It is the natural order of things and you can find a positive balance that works for you. Bring to yourself your manifestations. Trust your instincts and follow your intuition.

Dark Ninth Moon Oracle card pull for Tues. May 7th, 2024