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Demystifying Mediumship

Writer's picture: Bryan StaffordBryan Stafford

There are different types of 'psychics', and different kinds of 'mediums' and also different ways to do mediumship.

Firstly, in no way am I saying that one way (or my way) of practicing mediumship is the only or right way, or better than others,

Secondly, a medium is a psychic that helps interpret messages associated with the spirit of past loved ones. I've always honoured and paid offering to ancestors and do have several ancestral alters around my home for me to connect with, visit or seek guidance from. There are times in my practice that, as a psychic medium, I often feel like someone's energy explores me out. I can be on my way of a typical day and when I have dropped my guard a presence has come to me with a message that i usually don't understand. But, I feel that I must remember. In the moment I often feel an urge to write the message down in hopes of remembering it to eventually delivering it to it's expected receiver.

For example: a specific version of a lyric or song. Either later that day or in following days I will be approached by someone that I can tell the message is for them, or, they mention the song for example. The message is always understood and very relevant to a passed loved one of the person the message is delivered to. For example: they thought of that passed loved one the last time THAT song was recently played on the radio.

There have been a variety of examples, messages, directional guidance, moments of hope or faith created, and closure that I've had the privilege to deliver to the living. Mediumship has always been something that I have abridged to do upon request within tarot readings while I have attend in person events or festivals and during private reading sessions. I even offer special tarot spreads using mediumship to request to assist me in the ordering of the cards and using the symbolisms of the tarot to deliver general messages.

For me, in answering the question of using angels or guides, I can answer, "No" and "yes" depending on how I look at it. I can explain...

Personally, I do not believe in angels as heavenly beings. So, my answer is "no". In my personal practice I am a secular practitioner. It is a fundamental belief of mine that each and every one of us as human beings have an ability to use our intuition and connect with energies we carry with us. When I practice mediumship I believe that I am connecting with my sitter's energy (that is the best way that I can describe the experience for myself) in an empathic fashion. I look within myself for guidance.

Looking within myself to the aspects of my own human nature are my guides. And so, I feel like I do allow my instincts to guide me through a reading. Although, I wouldn't describe this as guiding myself. Finding and creating relationship with the different parts of my inner self and what makes me human is my way of working with deities in my Wiccan practices. As an archetypal representations and not as external supernatural beings. In reference to "angels", I would look at this like energy we carry with us of loved ones. Their 'spirit' in the sense of what their presence felt like when we were with them. We cherish our memories and we remember the presences of the ones that we love. Within my mediumship readings, it is the messages within the sitter and how they resonate with those messages that is the most impactful.

Professionally, I have sometimes felt approached by a energetic presence first and then afterwards a new client will request to book a mediumship reading. Other times, it's not until I've met my client that I'm able to sense and connect with the energies carried around them.

During a mediumship reading session with me, there is no expectation to share any information beforehand, no need to bring any objects, nor pictures with you, etc.  We will simply meet, i will explain what it is that I do, and then I will take a moment to connect with the energies around you.  Whilst requesting confirmations through out, I will interpret the messages that come through. Once validated, questions can be asked. Quite often the messages wont make sense to me. However, make absolute sense to the sitter of my readings.  Messages often seem to be what is needed to be delivered by the spirit themselves.

Although I'm usually open to receiving messages commonly, in my personal life, I've also had to create boundaries for myself. By doing so, I no longer feel ambushed by the energetic intersections from others, nor overwhelmed by the messages and emotions involved, nor distracted by the interactions away from my own life's responsibilities

This previous blog entry from another category includes a video of when I was invited to be a guest on The Intuitive Experience channel: where Melissa T. Downard from True Beings of Light and myself get into conversation about mediumship.

Since taking the mediumship program at I have been able to build on my ability to receive specific messages, be more confident with what I'm sensing and also create better spiritual boundaries for myself. When I became confident and grounded in what I've already been doing with mediumship, I then decided to expand mediumship into its own category of service on my professional website

Within a mediumship reading with me, there is no expectation to share any information beforehand, no need to bring any objects, nor pictures with you, etc.  As a sitter of the reading session, we will quickly meet, i will explain what it is that I do. And then, I will take a moment to connect with the energies of my sitter and try to interpret what I receive whilst requesting confirmations through out. Once validated, questions can be asked. Quite often the messages wont make any sense to me. However, make absolute sense to the sitter of my readings.  Messages are often what is seemingly needed to be delivered through the associations held of our past loved ones.

There are many misconceptions about mediumship and also about those who identify as psychic in general. These misconceptions are unfortunately common and often driven by fear generated by movies, fictional novels, and other forms of entertainment. As mentioned in my other website's blog entry: Hollywood misconceptions

There are many kinds of ways in which to practice mediumship naturally. Whether through the use of meditation, or aids or tools, such as spirit boards, pendulums, tarot cards, oracles, etc. I can only speak to my own experiences as a professional intuitive reader. For me, mediumship is one of many parts of my magickal-practical practices as a grey witch.

More information about my personal practice is available at


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