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Mon. Jan. 23rd, 2023 - Free Draw for a chance to win a free remote 15 minute tarot reading

Writer: Bryan StaffordBryan Stafford

Before the draw date, contact me to be included for a chance to win a free tarot reading. Or you can simply like or comment on any Stafford Tarot social media posts that mention the draw to be automatically included as a participant.

CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky winner of the most recent draw (which took place on December 19th, 2022) to remotely receive a free 15 minute intuitive tarot reading via a video chat platform.

Thank you to everyone who showed interest.

The next upcoming free draw will take place on Monday January 23rd 2023 at 9 AM (EST) for the reading to take place the evening of Tuesday January 24th 2023 at an available timeslot between 6-9 PM (EST).

Are you curious what a tarot reading with me is like? Or have you never had a tarot reading before? Keep watch for the next upcoming monthly Free Draw for a chance to win a free 15 minute remote tarot reading !!!

A 1/5 winning ratio is kept in the draw. For example, if there are more than 5 participants in the draw, then I pull two winners. If there are more than 10 participants, then I pull three winners, and so on. The more participants in the draw, the more names I pull from the hat. So, don't miss this opportunity at a chance to win!

More information about the draws are available at:

G O O D L U C K !



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