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More tarot shadow Work

Writer's picture: Bryan StaffordBryan Stafford

Just ask the cards!

Here, I'd like to mention a simple way in which tarot can be used for shadow work. Also, below are a couple shadow work tarot spreads that can be useful.

To begin, be sure to sit in a location that is calming, quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Have everything that you will need with you before you start. Make tea beforehand, Light a candle, or burn incense, or what ever your practice to remain calm, grounded and at peace.

One to three card pull shadow journal exercise

Think about what is truely bothering you. Write about it on your journal or diary, etc. Come up with a question that would be helpful to analyse. For example:

- "What do I need to do to move forward?"

- "What is the underlining issue within my inner self regarding what's bothering me?"

Or perhaps, - "What do I need to know from my inner self?"


Think of your question while shuffling and pull 1-3 card(s). Relate the cards to your question and pay attention for general messages pertaining to your question. If using more than one card, relate each card together for the message. Write further about your reactions and the message that you received from the reading.

Past/Present/Furure three card shadow spread

[1] past [2] present [3] future

Card 1 - underlying or repressed issue

Card 2 - the activator or emotional trigger

Card 3 - how to move forward/advice

Shadow work five card spread


[4] [1] [5]


Card 1 - a shadow trait or activator to focus on

Card 2 - the reason for the trait, what grounds the issue?

Card 3 - insight about the trait or truth regarding it

Card 4 - underlining concerns or repressed emotions regarding it

Card 5 - advice, or how to heal to move forward

Shadow Work 9 card tarot spread

A more advanced tarot spread specifically for Shadow work has been mentioned in a previous blog entry:

Oracles decks

It should be mentioned that many oracle decks are designed for inner self acknowledgement and/or shadow work.

Each Oracle deck will have its own unique design, structure and messages depending on their intented purpose. Explore the many options available to purchase, and find a deck that really spreaks to you.


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